News Link n. 43


The news links are part of the research project GESPAM (Geopolitica, Salute Pubblica e Accesso alle Medicine/Geopolitics, Public Health and Access to Medicines), which aims to focus on the best options for the use of trade and government rules related to public health by resource-limited countries.



From March Madness to April Anxiety: The WTO Leadership Contest Heats Up 

Who picks up the tab for development?

Global financial flows, aid and development 

Invest in health systems for a balanced approach

DNDi R&D Projects – 2013 Outlook 

What will the new pope mean for the development sector?

Balancing conservation and people’s access to land

The poorest countries are under renewed threat from WTO rules on access to medicines (and yes, this is 2013) 

Novartis Loses Patent Bid: Lessons From India’s 3(d) Experience

The Judgment In Novartis v. India: What The Supreme Court Of India Said 

India Dismisses Antitrust Complaint Against Gilead Sciences

Australian Pharmaceutical Patents Review’s New Report Critical Of Patent Extensions, R&D Funding 

The European Commission calls on EU Member States to fulfil their commitments towards the world’s poorest

Some OECD Nations’ Development Aid Spending Down 4% In 2012, Report Says 

Donors likely to cut down on HIV and Aids funds  

End of polio by 2018 a global win — WHO

US Trade Office Calls For Comments On Transatlantic Trade Deal

Banking on the BRICS for health?

Enter   the  Dragon  and  the  Elephant:  China’s  and  India’s  Participation  in  Global  Health  Governance   

Sizing Up China’s Role in Global Health Aid to Africa

Alcohol and alcohol-related harm in China: policy changes needed 

New apps transforming remote parts of Africa

Gene Patenting: Consequences for Global Health

Crisi finanziaria, austerità e salute in Europa