News Link 104


The news links are part of the research project GESPAM (Geopolitica, Salute Pubblica e Accesso alle Medicine/Geopolitics, Public Health and Access to Medicines), which aims to focus on the best options for the use of trade and government rules related to public health by resource-limited countries


News Link 104

German NGO says TTIP will undermine global food security 

TTIP bad for health says civil society 

European Patent Reform Forum September 11, 2014 

EU development committee tackles 2015 priorities 

Editing ODA: What to Omit and Add in the Definition of Aid 

The strange relationship between global warming denial and… speaking English  

Developing sustainable environments despite budget constraints 

Leaked World Bank lending policies ‘environmentally disastrous’ 

Abundance Of Latin American Candidates For Senior WIPO Post

From food aid to nutritious, locally produced food: A look at fortifying flour in Ethiopia 

Report: Italy ‘overzealous’ in reporting EU farm fraud cases 

Ottawa tells Oxfam to stop trying to prevent poverty 

The BRICS move forward 

Narendra Modi government now wants a SAARC bank 

India IP Policy Misrepresented By US Trade Representative, Indian Pharma Says 

The E15 Initiative Strengthening the Global Trade System 

Competition Analyses of Licensing Agreements. Considerations for Developing Countries under TRIPS

Rapporto sull’attuazione della Piattaforma d’Azione di Pechino Rilevazione quinquennale: 2009-2014. Cosa veramente è stato fatto in Italia  

AIDS 2014: Financing the new global HIV treatment vision – advocacy and economics  

Economic interventions for HIV prevention 

Building social capital to improve health and reduce HIV risk 

Systematically excluded: young women’s experiences of accessing child support grants 

New Medicines Patent Pool-Gilead Agreement For New HIV Drug In 112 Countries   

GSK seeks approval for world’s first malaria vaccine 

Health Policy Briefs Update