PEAH News Flash 355

News Flash Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

News Flash 355


INTERVIEW – ‘Survival: One Health, One Planet, One Future’ – Routledge, 1st edition, 2019

The planetary health summit is born? 

European Medicines Agency pledges to make clinical trial reporting easier for universities 

‘Italy’s Way Forward in Clinical Trials Transparency’ by Luca Li Bassi AIFA’s Director General 

‘Reaching out and Engaging with SE Asian Communities: Health, Shared Value and Business’ by Phil J Gover

Not-for-profit research and development can address deadly market failure for neglected patients, paper shows 

The Medicines Patent Pool and Pfizer sign licence for access to key data on investigational tuberculosis treatment sutezolid 

DR-TB Drugs Under the Microscope, 6th Edition 

MSF and TB activists disrupt opening of TB conference to protest drug corporations keeping life-saving medicines from people 

Protestors demand Cepheid halve the price of GeneXpert TB tests to US$5 

Price announced for new lifesaving TB drug pretomanid still too high 

Deal slashes preventive TB medicine price by nearly 70% 

TDR Bulletin on TB Research 30 October 2019 

New blood test to detect Zika approved in Brazil 

DRC Ebola update 

Advancing Health-Related SDGs In Africa Through Private Sector Collaborations 

1 in 5 Rohingya Child Refugees Suffer Severe Mental Health Issues 

Mental health in all policies in contexts of war and conflict 

Real-Time Digital Surveillance of Vaping-Induced Pulmonary Disease 

Pathology of Vaping-Associated Lung Injury 

Proclamation On Health Insurance Requirements: The Administration’s Latest Attack On Immigration 

High ambitions for health equity in the Americas 

Abortion in Brazil: the case for women’s rights, lives, and choices 

From Climate To AMR: World Health Summit 2019 Tackles Broad Agenda 

With an Eye on Children, the IKEA Foundation is Stepping up its Work on Climate Change 

Health Experts Push To Centre Health In Climate Action At World Health Summit 

Going with the Wind: Transition to Clean Energy in Latin America & the Caribbean 

Farmer to sue German government over failure to tackle climate change 

New WHO report to bolster efforts to tackle leading causes of urban deaths 

Philippines’ multisector approach to break the cycle of stunting