PEAH: In the Public Eye

A dedicated column to PEAH quotations from everywhere


In the Public Eye


4 June 2024: Holistic Systemic Change to Care for All Life on Earth – PEAH – Policies for Equitable Access to Health republished on the News section of the ALI website at

27 March 2024: PEAH as co-signatory of Stop Financing Factory Farming Letter to the World Bank: Stop Financing Industrial Livestock

20 July 2023: The Global Coalition of Civil Society, Indigenous Peoples, Social Movements, and Local Communities for the Universal Recognition of the Human Right to a Clean, Healthy, and Sustainable Environment – of which PEAH is a member –  as one of the recipients of the 2023 United Nations Human Rights Prize

27 January 2022, by Juan Garay, jefe de cooperación en Union Europea en Cuba, Professor of Bioethics, Chiapas University, Mexico: ‘Thank you Daniele for your space of free thinking and defence in Health equity and the right to Health’

21 January 2022, by James BacchusDistinguished University Professor of Global Affairs and Director of Center for Global Economic and Environmental Opportunity, University of Central Florida: Keep up the good work. The world needs it.’ 

25 January 2021, by Rajan Sankar, Founding Director of The India Nutrition Initiative (TINI), an initiative of Tata Trusts:  ‘Dr Daniele, thank you for agreeing to Tata Trusts circulating this important paper* to our partners’

*You can find the paper here: 'Nourishing India - What Needs to Be Done' by Veena S Rao

PEAH acknowledgment as excellent global health blog by Theodore Schrecker, Professor of Global Health Policy, Newcastle University, UK

PEAH as co-signatory of a statement to the IMF on ending austerity publicly released on 6 October 2020The statement has collected over 500 signatures from organizations and academics from 87 countries

PEAH as co-signatory of July 2nd, 2020 joint letter Health groups urge European universities and hospitals to make their clinical trial results public

29 June 2020 by AllBe Health: We are honored to contribute to the important work of Policies for Equitable Access to Health (PEAH), led by Daniele Dionisio. We invite you to read Nicole’s perspective on opportunities to rethink clinical trials for greater inclusion of rural participants. You can find the PEAH publication here:

PEAH quoted in TranspariMED article Over 1,000 clinical trials involving children are missing results across Europe

Daniele Dionisio (PEAH) as a speaker about ‘Italy Experience with COVID-19‘ at SAMBODHI Research Webinar on 26th May 2020

Daniele Dionisio (PEAH) as co-signatory of Lancet correspondence letter: Health inequity during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cry for ethical global leadership


PEAH as co-signatory: After April 7th, the action continues: “Spread the solidarity, not the virus.” “Let’s confine finance and austerity!”

PEAH as co-signatory of 14 April 2020 Call for a Coordinated, Equitable, and Human Rights-Based Global Response to COVID-19

PEAH as co-signatory of civil society statement (April 2020) Time to rally behind the World Health Organization

22 January 2020, Richard A. Nisbett, Senior Research Associate at African Center for Research and Evaluation
‘PEAH: A forum for health info dissemination, leadership and policy consideration. Thanks Daniele Dionisio for the extraordinary efforts to keep us all informed and connected!’

The Oxford Statement and The MedsWeCanTrust Campaign: a call for equity in global health by Raffaella Ravinetto (republished by the Institute of Tropical Medicines, Antwerp)

INTERVIEW to George Lueddeke  – ‘Survival: One Health, One Planet, One Future’ – Routledge, 1st edition, 2019 by Daniele Dionisio (republished by the South Eastern European Journal of Public Health and by the World Medical Journal)

Italy’s Way Forward in Clinical Trials Transparency by AIFA Director General Dr. Luca Li Bassi (republished by TranspariMED)