News Link n. 30


The news links are part of the research project GESPAM (Geopolitica, Salute Pubblica e Accesso alle Medicine/Geopolitics, Public Health and Access to Medicines), which aims to focus on the best options for the use of trade and government rules related to public health by resource-limited countries.

News Link 30

Aids, un nemico sempre in agguato: intervista con Mario Figoni


Il nuovo Global Burden of Disease study: cosa c’è di nuovo?

Emerging economies drive frugal innovation

Effect of vitamin A supplementation on cause-specific mortality in women of reproductive age in Ghana: a secondary analysis from the ObaapaVitA trial

First new tuberculosis drug for 50 years – works on drug-resistant forms of the disease

At Europe’s Doorstep, Fierce War Against TB

Editorial, Opinion Pieces Address Effects Of Health Worker Murders In Pakistan On Polio Eradication

Taking Calls on Abortion, and Risks, in Chile

Thai-EU FTA Raises Alarm for People With AIDS  

In China, Grass-Roots Groups Take On H.I.V./AIDS Outreach Work 

Global development podcast transcript: hopes and fears for 2013 

Renowned US doctor appointed to support UN efforts to eliminate cholera in Haiti

Q&A with Eric Goosby, US Global AIDS Coordinator

Transforming Health with Mobile Technology

Efforts To Eliminate FGM ‘Breaking New Ground’ With Approval Of U.N. General Assembly Resolution Opinion-FGM-Resolution.aspx 

Myanmar eyes microfinance, private sector development 

Collaborative Capacity Building In Intellectual Property: Leveraging On African Diaspora Exchange

US aid policy under John Kerry: Expect few changes 

Most-Read IP-Watch Stories Of 2012: India Pharma, Europe, ACTA, WIPO Technical Assistance, Gene Patents