Breaking News: Link 160

Breaking News Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings


Breaking News: Link 160


EU Council Parliamentary Assembly: Public health and the interests of the pharmaceutical industry: how to guarantee the primacy of public health interests? (text adopted on 29 September 2015) 

Live from New York, it’s Global Dev Week 

UN SDGs Need U-Turn On Governance For Health 

Say goodbye to capitalism: welcome to the Republic of Wellbeing 

An Ambitious Development Agenda From the U.N. 

SDGs: A doorway to substantial change for people with disabilities?  

The missing SDG indicators: Accelerating gender equality and empowerment

Sustainable development goals promise little respite for indebted poor countries 

What the U.N.’s New Development Goals Mean for Africa 

The UN’s development goals require another step first: universal healthcare 

What, Really, Does ‘Sustainable’ Mean? 

FACT SHEET: U.S. Global Development Policy and Agenda 2030 

White House declares truce with China over AIIB 

China-U.S. deal sets bar low ahead of Paris climate talks 

Climate Change Is So Bad That the US and China Agree on It 

Dear Climate Funders: The Clock is Ticking. Use Your Endowments 

The Importance of Global Health Investment 

Human Rights Reader 370 

HEALTH SYSTEMS through CONFLICT AND RECOVERY 4-15 April 2016 Pisa, Italy 

Can Big Data Help Government Do Better? This Foundation Thinks So 

TTIP Could Lead To Jobs, Access To Better Drugs, Says Pharma 

TPP trade pact will deepen global crisis of exorbitant drug prices unless dangerous terms are removed 

Industry Holds Closed-Door Conference With Governments On Access And Benefit-Sharing  

Today’s nutrition work calls for business, tech skills 

The Global Migration Crisis, International Law, And The Responsibility To Protect Health