News Link n. 37




The news links are part of the research project GESPAM (Geopolitica, Salute Pubblica e Accesso alle Medicine/Geopolitics, Public Health and Access to Medicines), which aims to focus on the best options for the use of trade and government rules related to public health by resource-limited countries.


News Link 37 

Elections in Italy: Where do parties stand on foreign aid? 

What will universal health coverage actually cover? 

Who Should Pay for Global Health, and How Much?

WHO/World Bank convene ministerial meeting to discuss best practices for moving forward on universal health coverage

Global Fund News Flash: Issue 14 

Food Sovereignty: Think Globally, Eat Locally

John Kerry to USAID: ‘Deeply, deeply committed’

What We’re Looking For in the IOM Report on PEPFAR 

Meeting the President’s Challenge to End Extreme Poverty

David Cameron considers diverting foreign aid   

Key Eurozone banks step back from food speculation 

IMF fails to find consensus on quota formula reform 

Girls & women: New education project to transform lives 

Working Toward Polio Eradication In 2018  

Cell phones can speed up malaria treatment in remote areas 

Report On First Round Of Projects Of Seed Treaty Benefit-Sharing Fund

WIPO Side Event Addresses Recent Developments Related To The Nagoya Protocol  

Event Explains Partnerships In Natural Products Research Through Thai Experience With Novartis 

Fast New Test Could Find Leprosy Before Damage Is Lasting 

DNDi Latin America receives 2013 Carlos Slim Award for Innovations in Neglected Disease Drug Development  

Medicines Patent Pool Recognised in WHO, WIPO, WTO Study on Health and Access to Medicines

UN Takes On Organised Crime And Fraudulent Medicines 

Lack of access to technology ‘hampers detection of substandard drugs’

Strengthening global action against poor quality drugs 

Healthcare still disrupted in the Central African Republic 

Trade Commissioner: EU To Seek GIs In US FTA, But No New ACTA